Saturday, September 3, 2011

The End Justifies the Means

Or, so I'm told. 

Day 5. I broke our "no electronics during the school day" rule. I know, my willpower and ability to stick to a plan are absolutely astounding. 

This summer, we received an invitation through our local home school group to join a FIRST Lego League Team. These teams are open to kids ages 9-14. Punky is 9, and obsessed with Legos. There was no doubt that he would want to join. We were recently notified that he was accepted to the team, and yesterday was the first meeting. We had to be there by 1:00. This means leaving our house in Green Meadows (aka the middle of nowhere) by 11:30. So, my choices were to try to get school done in a short amount of time, or have Saturday school. 

Our curriculum is planned out five days per unit. In my brain, Day 1 is Monday, Day 5 is Friday. It makes my brain itch to think of doing, for example, Day 1 on Thursday. That's just so wrong. Yes, I know. I have issues. At any rate, I really wanted to complete the lesson plans for Day 5 on Friday. 

So. I caved. The boys and I started school at about 7:45 with the Littles happily plugged in to Playhouse Disney. And guess what. We were completely finished with an entire day of school before 10:00! I love Playhouse Disney.
I even had time to bake a batch of gluten free black bean brownies to take to Punky's meeting. You can call me SuperMom. Oh...except for the part where the Littles watched tv for 2 and 1/2 hours, and my kids ate McDonald's for both lunch and supper. Yeah. Maybe not so much SuperMom as much as Doing - Whatever - it - Takes Mom. I can live with that.


  1. I'm a fellow HoD-er and I totally agree about doing Day 1 on Monday, Day 2 on Tuesday. It's going to drive me crazy if we ever have to do a Day 4 on Wednesday or something like that!

  2. Ha, ha! Love it. I've had those days where TV and McD's seems to be the answer! I'm glad day 1 went well! I've also been amazed at how quick it is to get through our lessons!

  3. I completely understand the way you think about your lesson plan. I guess I'm a little OCD that way. Hopefully you guys will have a great year with First Lego. MY oldest loves Lego as well I would love for hime to be apart of something like that one day.
